phew!!,...how cud we live evryday and c da same occurances in a pattern ;VERONIKA in PAULO COELHOZ ;"VERONIKA DECIDES TO DIE"is so very apt with whose mental part in da first phase of the book i can identify mysef with,... i still dont kno why there is no break from monotony ,..i think bout the boredom frequently as i tread along doing a set f very identical tasks...,.it seems tresome ,..but still life has to go on therefore i spring bak to action frm the gestures of my ambience.,.else each of us wud become VERONIKA;...prodding over issues as basic as "the rising of sun";why in east ? its setting in the west,..hmmm these seem to be basics of lyf but wud not sync to bored soul;...i get up on weekends and thank myself to be doing every thing different,....everybody loves weekendz .4 da sole fact tat we do da same thngz dfferently wake up late ,brunch late,.....,this mch wud do.Even i hate much of philosophy,..m resuming wrk rte now ,.. :( ...have to adapt with people ,.. of course they form the world,..in which we live..,.,i wud reminiscent the saying "variety is the spice of lyf",...
People in this world always have reasons to be happy... you are unhappy with Monotony... see the brighter side... you have the freedom to express this unhappiness... so don't worry be happy... I guess you're happy writing this blog...
come on... plz let the lingo be such tht I can grab it... otherwise need a dictionary kinda thing u c... jus kiddding...
nice topic...gr8 use of words...keep it up...
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