Thursday, February 11, 2010
the case went as such:
A newly recruited employee at Cliffbank; Mark ;a fresh MBA graduate joined the firm with great back-up from his friend Ian Breasely, a friend at a Retail Firm.
Mark had to impress his boss Bryan,at the management meeting along with the latter's team.
He prepared slides on strategy and age -old business methods as followed by the Retail Firm.
But he thought that his predecessor might have collected vital info regarding the Retail Firm's strategies and recent undertakings.He could not catch hold of the older documents and therefore sought help from Nicole,his team member,a smart lady who had offered to help him at times of need.
He approached her cooly and asked her to give her nod at his prepared slides and to help him in searching the old file which was but vital;
Nicole ,instantly nodded but took Mark into fits for her flippant attitude;for there she was in the meeting room on the d-day taking the managers into a gaggle for there were slides which showed the Retail's recent acquired entities;and their recent mergers all which Mark had hinted that should have been present in the "not -to-be-found" File.
Mark heard Bryan say Nicole "This was expected of you".
Later Bryan came to mark and asked him to have a personal meeting with Ian,coz the latter was supposed to be his friend;
Mark rang up Ian instantly and asks him as to" whether he could meet him over lunch for he and his group from Cliffbank wanted to negotiate The Retail's course of action".
Ian immediately responded in a friendly manner saying that a person by name Nicole, had suggested a meeting with him ;He asks Mark to arrange the meeting.
Meanwhile Mark confronts Nicole and schedules an appointment with Ian, to which Nicole shouts that he should not be present in the meeting for she was solely responsible for getting business from their Client;To this Mark Responds as"u should not take some credits alone" while the former says that "she had always wanted all the credits alone".
one of the analyst says that :"Mark should straight away discuss with Nicole if she feels that his appointment is posing a threat for her career and should convince her ; to be able to help each other mutually.
another analyst terms it a situation of sabotage by Nicole ,a saboteur and analyses that Mark should not argue with Nicole but should see himself from his Boss's 'Bryan point f view ;where Bryan is acquainted with Nicole,which means that Mark should contact Ian ,his friend and discuss internal affairs of the Client Firm and report to Bryan and thus stay in good book of his Boss;Plus by hook or by crook he should convince Ian,who is after all his friend that he is the chief contact person at Cliffbank.And should clearly state that no second person is to be contacted even if Nicole forces to be contacted.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Rishikesh Outdoor Prog 14th April'09 to 20th April'09
from Kolkata. It was a great start, spirits and expectations parallelly high.
Day One saw the patience exhibited with the temperatures soaring as high as 42 degrees; whilst some amongst us continued with playing card game, another some followed their dreams in form of naps, and an entire lot in another compartment ended up in playing our very desi antakshari besides of course one of the teams playing pathetically slow; as in a speed of one movie per hour; yes of course very synchronous with the speed of the train;)!.We reached Old Delhi; steadily enough, and boarded another train for Haridwar from Old Delhi, the heat still trying to deceive our energy levels!
Day Two was all our dreams coming true with us reaching Rishikesh and the captivating view of the encompassing hamlets and settlements on both sides of the river
Day Three dawned with rappling in air, followed by a short trek in the plush greenery to a natural waterfall which proved to be a great visual treat. Rafting and related terms like kayaking, flip and first aid formed the length and breadth of the discussions and activities that followed. Beach-volleyball in the white sands heightened the day’s activities while a night trek further served as an ending note to our eventful day.
Day Four was lively and we were eager to extend our training in rapids ,having water height of 100 feet. We ensued for a 26km rafting spree from Marine Drive to Ram Jhula .The rapids consisted of The Three Blind Mice, Roller Coaster, Golf Course to name a few and the sudden pranks played by our friendly guides all the more added to the charged ambience whilst making us all the more confident in floating, amidst the unstill waters; body surfing too followed along with cliff jumping from a cliff of 30feet.The activities of the last day halted, it was one of the most memorable days during our stay ; The day ended ,as we packed off our bags and retreated, to Rishikesh ,and then to Delhi.
Day Five was a reverie while on our return way, by train from
Day Six arrival at Kolkata was a prompt victory for all we TCSers who had actively participated in the Rishikesh Trip thus individually contributing to its grand -success.
Monday, February 1, 2010
remembering Me.

For quite sometime i was trying to compromise with certain aspects of my personal lyfe;becoz i was ideally into it.It seemed so impossible, for quite a number of times,for me, to get away from every old memoriez of my personal life,inspite of the fact that while i had wanted it to move ahead it would't nudge.I really compromised in the process halting for an answer tons of times-moving only after signalled by the other,convincing the other but- mostly demanding an explanation ,since i was always left alone in the process of figuring an answer.
Today i feel independent once more just as i used to before i had a personal life.More than being tired of repititive questioning,it is this recurring cycle that bothers my conscience now; I end this through greater thoughtz and hope for best deeds.I imbibe in me my old garb of solitude for admist it, I feel-all known and optimistic.I awake with fresh long lost hopes ,hopeful of reviving them soon.I still wish life getting back to us ,at its best,just as we expect; fulfilling newer dreams ,without any hint of compromise, at the same resonance as that of our thoughts.