It just cant be true that u met me for quite sometyme n no purpose served ;m talkin about the bigger purpose n lyfe served which, above everything and beyond scope of gauging, encompassing in itself literally each and every other smaller purposes which you and i helped in meeting. "Itz nothing new?",u wud say so but i wud definitely retort back "itz really worth it- wen understanding in this birth, this one lyfe we wud b able 2 comprehend till we pass away".
The purpose is really important;it just can't b weighed against wat is achieved- and how much if gud, n terms f proportions and magnitude.Itz alwayz the not so obvious and beyond achieving that matters-the taste of the phases that lingers in our senses forever.The subtle and twisted gestures, that bothers our thought process so much, brings forth our best effort and proves us worth unique yet always.This aura of containment seeks-answers to our conscience when questions ,of our past ,present or future, bother us.Imagine It's power !Its visible to us in form of tears,anger,love,and great emotions.
It has answered me just like always;my aura intact and i satiated.But in vain, newer questions phasing out the answered ones.
I dint believe till yesterde tat feelingz cud get de better of you;t was difficult 2 believe;a person lke me with an immature indifference towards emotions and very much unable to comprehend the discussionz revolving around bonds stimulating our purpose in life. For over a decade from the moment i came to senses; i dont know the exact reason ,call it premonition or procrastination on ma part to accept lyfe as was offered.
I used to act lke any other rational narcissist,
nevertheless satiating the wantingz of my individuality.But through years,sensed the yearningz for a still better individual myte b due to genetic,psychological,social,monotonous and most importantly human, factors. My utter idealistic attitude towards lyfe had given way to gradual monotonity further leading to lousy results;all the more helping me discover the destined prized possession n ma lyfe.I was so mch attached to it that i did actually cling n 2 it, n cry 4 i knew t woldn't stay by me 4 long;My apprehensions were fed by ample f direct reasons stated by my possession.Still i converted them to indirect reasons ,coz my possession was trying hard to bid adieu to the reasonz and in the process i had partially lost ma individuality;for i had moulded these reasonz ,which had never ever mattered to me more over my attachment, in ma mind to get de better f ma mind thus serving to strengthen my negatives;Nevertheless attachment made me see everything very beautiful.
I was ever-ready to do away with all the direct reasons just to held on to my prized possession,but in vain;It(possession) had set its own reasons for itz withdrawal.There z nothing now i fear to lose and no effort so unturned ;i am trying my best so that i wud gve a chance 2 maself to rephrase "if only i had....".
Yesterde i had lost it.